With respect to the Jehovers Witness " Martyrs" this is the true History of the society and National socialism.
"Be it known once and for all that those profiteering. conscienless, selfish men who call themselfs Jews, and who control the greatest portion of the finance of the world and the business world, ......Golden Age 1927 Feb 23 p 343.
" In the 1934 year book the society wrote " that it supports the principals of the German government straightforwdly (p 136) and that the defended very high ideas proclaimed by the national government are stated and endorsed and strongly underlined in its publicaions ( p 137) it also states that it's literature, it's work instead of being a threat with the government principals is the firmest defender of such high ideas (p138)
Of course most Jehovers Witnesses are not aware of how the organisation fully supported Hitler, ( Which is why I have highlighted sources and pages). However when the German government wanted to take control of the organisations property, Rutherford with total disregard for the well being of the German witness started :-
A) Baiting Hitler, which is the consequence that they ended up in concentration camps.
B) Rewritting it's support for Hitler, and condemning him. (The writings most are familiar with)
So " The revolting morality underpinning martyrdom" for a witness in a concentration camp was in the mistaken belief it was for Jehover. But the reality was they were worshipping an organisation whose leader Rutherford was responsible because he was more concerned about the societies property in Germany than the welfare of his German followers.
Sad but true the Witnesses fully supported Hitler ,National Socialisam and the persecution of the Jews. So much for neutrality.
The Rebel.